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Q: Can pneumonia lead to vertigo
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Why do I get vertigo at the top of tall buildings?

acrophobia is name for fear of heights. that could lead to vertigo.

Can AIDS lead to pneumonia?

In recent years this virus has resulted in a huge increase in the incidence of pneumonia

Can methadone and percocet use lead to pneumonia?

Maybe. It can cause respitory depression which can aid pneumonia to gain a foot hold. It will not cause pneumonia in itself.

Why is heart disease a medical condition that causes falls?

Inadequate pumping of the heart can lead to inadequate brain perfusion, which can lead to dizziness or vertigo.

How does pneumonia affect the pharynx?

Pneumonia generally leads to an inflammation of the trachea. Because Pneumonia can affect the respiratory system, it may lead to increased phlegm or fluid in the trachea.

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Can Radiation treatment lead to pneumonia?

Radiation treatment for breast cancer increases the risk of pneumonia in some patients by weakening lung tissue

When was Count Vertigo created?

Count Vertigo was created in 1978.

Can pneumonia cause tachycardia?

Pneumonia, as any other infectious process in your body, can cause tachycardia. Sometimes, patients with pneumonia also become dehydrated due to lack of fluid intake. This also can lead to tachycardia.

Is there an invertebrate that starts with the letter v?

Vertigo angustior Vertigo arctica Vertigo moulinsiana

How long does vertigo last in cats?

Vertigo in cats can range in length. Vertigo is a symptom of a bigger problem, and until the problem is identified and treated, the vertigo will probably not subside.

How did king Christian X die?

He suffered from pneumonia which caused his death. :-(