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Q: Can primary hyper aldosteronism causes proteinuria?
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Why does coffee make you hyper?

Caffeine is the primary chemical in coffee that causes the heart to race and make one 'hyper.'

What is the medical term meaning high urine protein levels?

Proteinuria is the medical term for excess protein in the urine.Anything in the urine ends with the word -uria. Protein is simply protein, therefore protein in the urine is "proteinuria".Other examples include blood in the urine (haematuria) and glucose in the urine (glycosuria).Anything in the urine ends with the word -uria. Protein is simply protein, therefore protein in the urine is "proteinuria".Other examples include blood in the urine (haematuria) and glucose in the urine (glycosuria).hyperproteinuriaalbuminuriaalbuminuriaalbuminuriaproteinuria

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wot causes hyperness and how does the body react to it.

What is hyper epinephrine what is hyper prodoction of aderenalin?

Hyper Epinephrine is over production of epinephrine by theadrenal medulla, (which could be due to a tumor in the medulla) although there are other causes. epinephrine causes, vaso-constriction which causes increased blood pressure. it also causes increased blood glucose levels.

What causes people to become hyper?

Sugar or caffeine.

What is icd-9 code for primary hyper-parathyroid disease?


What causes nausea vomiting dizziness and insomnia?

hyper thyroidism

What is in sugar that causes us to get hyper?

Energy thats why when you drink alot of soda you have alot of energy

What causes post-puberty hypersecretion?

Sometimes, the pituitary gland keeps on secreting the triggering hormone. this causes post puberty hyper secretion.

Does eating sugary foods make you hyper?

It does because the sugar gets into your blood-stream and causes hyperactivity

What causes hyperresonance in a trauma patient?

Hyper-resonance (generally described upon percussion of the chest) is typically seen in Pneumothorax, where an accumulation of air in the pleural space causes compression / collapse of the lung on the affected side. Note that hyper-resonance is a late sign, and is seen infrequently.