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If you test dirty yes they can. Or if you have another outstanding warrant for your arrest.

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Q: Can probation violate you on the first drug screen on the first day you report?
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Can old warrant violate probation?

It's POSSIBLE. Because. . ., if the judge knew you you had an outstanding criminal warrant at the time he gave you a lenient sentence of probation. . . he might not have offered you probation in the first place.

If given 5 years probation in new york what happens when you violate for the first time?

That really depends on the probation officer , and you could pull the whole 5 years for violating probation , doesn't need to be first time , second time and so on .

If you are on probation for midemeanor and you violate long jail time will you serve?

It is entirely up to the decision of judge who gave you the sentence of probation in the first place. You could be remanded to jail to serve out the remaainder of your sentence behind bars.

If you are in jail on a VOP in one county and have another probation that will start in another county when the first is completed can the judge violate or revoke probation in both counties?

There is a very high probability that probation was violated if you are in prison in another area. It is completely legal for a judge to revoke probation for reasons that they see fit to do so for.

What can I say to a probation officer if I tested dirty for meth and don't want to violate probation?

The grease is sort of out of the goose on that one. The time to say something was when you wanted to use, but had not done so yet. At that point, you could request rehab. You can try to request rehab now, but there is no guarantee he will let you. It is a foregone conclusion that if you had not wanted to violate your probation, you would not have used meth in the first place. Retroactive desire not to violate is pretty much just regret that you got caught, and foolish thinking that you would not be.

What happens if you violate felony probation with another felony in the state of MI?

It's almost 100% probable that your first probation will be revoked and you will be returned to incarceration for the remainder of your original sentence - AND - in addition, you will be charged and tried for the felony you committed while out on probation and if found guilty, you will have THAT sentence to serve in addition to your original one.

Is a speeding ticket a violation of probation for a first DWI offense in the state of Texas?

Generally minor traffic violations do not cause your probation to be violated. It depends on how tightly the probation agreement is drawn. Most traffic tickets do not even show up on a probation officers radar, although you are required to self report the ticket to your probation officer.

If the person who has the scram bracelet drinks at all will it violate the probation?

Yes, VERY likely, or they wouldn't be sentenced to wear it in the first place. For more information on this device see: the below link:

Do you always go to jail on violation of probation?

Typically, Yes. It is however entirely up to your Probation Officer. It depends on the severity of the Violation. For example; depending on what County your probation is in. Some Counties allow you to fail a drug screen up to 3 times; other Counties will violate and arrest you the first time you fail. If you are charged with another crime while on probation you will likely be arrested by the Police and your probation will be automatically violated. Other ways to Violate Probation: 1. My moving residences and not notifying your Probation Officer ahead of time. 2. Failure to pay Probation Fee's/Court Cost/Restitution 3. Being insubordinate, using profanity, making threats, or obstructing your Probation Officer otherwise known as Disorderly Conduct or Obstructing a Public Official. 4. Domestic Violence (same as committing a new crime/offense) 5. Failing or Refusing a Urine Analysis. 6. Driving while License Suspended or Revoked 7. Making contact with the Victim or Suspect(s) involved with committing offense. Hope this helps, good luck! Hilary 5.

Can you travel to another country while you are on probation with no criminal conviction?

If you are ON PROBATION you HAVE been convicted. CONVICTED = GUILTY. If you had not been convicted you would have been found NOT guilty and you wouldn't be serving a sentence of PROBATION. Before travelling anywhere (including out-of-state) check with your probation officer or the court - OR - how about this? Read your probation papers to see if you have any travel restrictions imposed on you.- - - - - - - -You actually CAN be on probation with no conviction with certain deals they make with first time offenders. You can be sentenced to probation to have your record cleared after the probated term is up and you don't accumulate any new charges in that time.Added: The scenario immediately above, while correct (known as Probation Before Judgement - a more rarely used form of probation), does not address the situation posed in the question.Even under the above scenario the offender receives certain guidellines and rules from the court which they MUST follow or run the risk of being in violation. If one of those conditions is a travel restriction - to violate it would cause you to violate your probation.


You penalty can vary depending on the situation and what the Probation Officers recommendation is going to be. Most likely your Probation will be violated and you will have to serve the sentence that you were originally sentenced to serve.

If you violate probation with suspended sentence do you serve the suspended sentence automatically?

If you violate probation with a suspended sentence, it is possible that you may have to serve the suspended sentence. This would depend on the specific terms of your probation and the decision of the court or probation officer handling your case. Violating probation can result in different consequences, including the activation of the suspended sentence.