

Best Answer

The question is pretty vague. The answer to the question as asked is certainly "yes". That's not as helpful as it could be; you might want to go into more detail as to precisely what sort of "problems" you're talking about.

(Unwanted pregnancy, for example, is one "problem" that will delay menstruation for several months.)

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Q: Can problems cause delay menstruation
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Yes. It can delay the menstruation. This may be due to psychological trauma of the dengue. Any psychological trauma can cause the menstruation to delay.

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No, nothing you eat can effect your menstrual cycle.

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The only way you can delay menstruation is by taking birth control pills.

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Typically no, mineral and vitamin tablets will not delay your menstrual cycle. In some rare cases if you were to overdose on these sort of tablets it may cause problems such as delayed menstruation, but the likelihood of this happening is very low.

What cause delay menstruation?

Menstruation is delayed as a result of delayed ovulation, things such as stress or ill health can delay ovulation as the body prevents pregnancy when it can't cope. If you're a teen irregular cycles are normal too so this can cause periods to start later than expected.

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The most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy.

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No, antibiotics do not effect menstruation - although if you are ill it can cause delayed menstruation or menstrual problems.

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Taking two birth control pills could delay menstruation, or could cause breakthrough bleeding. It's a gamble.

How stressed do you half to be to delay a period?

When we talk about stress delaying menstruation it has to be stressed enough to cause physical strain. Stress can delay ovulation as the body will try to prevent pregnancy when it can't cope, and thus in turn delayed ovulation leads to delayed menstruation.

What are the causes of delay in menstruation?

this could be pregnancy or stress.

Can medication delay your cycle?

Norethisterone 5mg. Effective to delay menstruation with minimal side effects.