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YES, they can interact.

To what extent and in what way has not been researched in detail BUT Propanolol is a heart medication. If it has been prescibed by a professional, that has a reason. That reason is some sort of heart condition. Do not meddle with your heart medication, that's meddling with your heart functioning the way it should. That function ist pumping. If it does not pump properly, no proper blood flow, no proper transport of oxygen, hypoxia, seizures, coma, heart damage or failure and/or death can occur!

If you use it off label (without presciption to treat a heart condition), THE SAME APPLIES.

Meddling with heart function -and both are potent agents- can interfere with one of the two organs in your body that can kill or damage you the quickest (heart & cns).

Not a good idea.

That particular interaction has probably not explicitely been investigated. BUT there are several papers on interactions interactions in animal models (animal testing), that will pretty sure apply to humans. (you might want to check for propanolol+mescaline).

Both mescaline and propanolol have a known effect on parts of the body known as "beta-receptor-sites". Propanolol is a drug that was designed for that purpose, blocking beta-receptors. Mescaline has a) similar effects on beta receptors and b) has stimulating effects on other receptors.

So combinig the two can result in either amplifying the beta-block - that would be similar to an overdose of propanolol, or selectively reducing the effect of the medication on some receptors and interferring with the prescribed (and most likely necessary) effect on the heart. Furthermore, both substances have a known stimulating effect (in case of propanolol a slight a-adrenergic one), which can also interact.

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