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Quasars are related to supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies.

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Q: Can quasars be found in globular clusters or open clusters?
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Related questions

What are two types of star clusters?

two types of star clusters are Open clusters and globular clusters

Are globular clusters typically much older than open clusters?


What are some cool things in space?

Quasars are by far my most favorite object, but some others are globular and open clusters, nebulei, galaxies, black holes, binary/trinary stars, neutron stars, and the list goes on.

How are star clusters distributed in the sky?

Open clusters lie along the Milky Way and half of the globular clusters are in or near the constellation Sagittarius.

Globular clusters usually contain fewer stars than open clusters true or false?

Actually the terms "Globular" and "Open" are not related to the number but the age of the stars. Globlular clusters are many old stars packed in spherical form (they look like hazy mothballs to the naked eye) and "open clusters" are many young stars formed close to each other. The constellation Pleiades is an example of open cluster.

Are groups of stars that are usually located along the spiral disk of a galaxy.?

Clusters - either open or globular.

Where are open clusters found?

near giant elliptical galaxies.

Does a star cluster have more stars than a open star cluster?

There are two types of star clusters. Globular clusters are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very old stars which are gravitationally bound, while open clusters, are more loosely clustered, generally containing less than a few hundred stars, and are usually very young.

What does a galaxy include?

global clusters, open clusters and star clusters. (:

What is an open cluster?

"An open cluster is a group of a few thousand stars that were formed in the same giant molecular cloud, and are still loosely gravitationally bound to each other.In contrast, globular clusters are very tightly bound by gravity.a large cloud of stars

What is the difference between an open cluster and a globular cluster?

it is amazing

What is the relationship between the open cluster and milky way?

The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy and open clusters are only found in spiral or irregular galaxies.