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yes all living things can , even animals . So therefore yes animals can have delayed birth .

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Q: Can rabbits have delayed birth
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How do rabbits hatch baby rabbits?

Rabbits are mammals and give live birth.

What to do if your dog has a delayed birth?

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What is birth called in rabbits?

The birthing process in rabbits is called Kindling. When a rabbit has given birth she has 'Kindled'

Why are female rabbits bigger than male rabbits?

because they will give birth and they are the mothers

Where do pet rabbits like to give birth?

== ==

When do rabbits next come into season after giving birth?

After birth, rabbits come into season next spring. They ususally give birth 3 times a year. 6 in about each litter.

Do Rabbits lay eggs or give birth?

They give birth because they are mammals.

Angora rabbit gives live birth?

Yes, Angora rabbits give live birth. All species of rabbits give live birth because they are mammals. There are very few mammals who do not give live birth.

Do rabbits have internal or external births?

Rabbits give birth to live young which are then fed on milk like all other mammals. There is no major procedural difference between the pregnancy and birth procedures of rabbits and humans.

Can a rabbits have like a days break after giving birth then have more?

Not normally, no. Rabbits can get pregnant the day they give birth, but the actual giving birth process takes only about 15 mins in total.

When do rabbits give brith?

Once a rabbit is pregnant, it will take around a month for it to then give birth. Rabbits normally give birth when it's starting to get dark at night.