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Screaming BunniesRabbits do not make any noise, unless they are seriously threatened. When rabbits feel they are in serious danger they scream. They actually sound like people! I know this because I read it in Rabbits for Dummies and my one time my rabbit got out of its cage and was running around the yard with my dogs chasing him, and he was screaming. The Bunny ColdSometimes, when a rabbit is ill with the cold you here little sniffles or you hear a sound like snot being sucked in and out of his nose or mouth. You can look at his nose to see if its wet and if there is any snot dripping out of his nose, like yours would if you had a cold. Then you need to get him to a doctor and he will give you medication if necessary. The most noticeable sign of a rabbit cold is the noise they make and the runny nose.

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Q: Can rabbits squeak like guinea pigs?
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Do pigs squeek?

Large pigs do not squeak, they squeal, Guinea Pigs will squeak.

Why do guinea pigs sqeak?

guinea-pigs squeak because it is there way of communicating like humans talk

Why do guinea pigs squeak when your holding them and there are no other guinea pigs in the house?

guinea pigs squeak when your holding them and there are no other guinea pigs in the house because they get lonely and even a bit scared so they squeak trying to get comfort or even just to talk.

What does the guinea pigs scientific name mean?

They call them guinea pigs because they squeak. Pigs snort. But, it does kinda sound like a pig. (:

Why does your guinea pig squeak real loud like he is hurting?

That is what guinea pigs do if they want attention.

Why does it have pig at the end of guinea pigs?

As, They squeak in the way pigs do. Their ears look like pig ears. And guinea pigs eat an incredable amount!

Sounds pigs make?

guinea pigs squeak,and purr.

What does the babies look like when rabbits and guinea pigs bred?

they are a gabbit and have very long ears no tail and have a shape like a guinea pig

Do guinea pigs squeak when they are scared?

Yes. They also squeak when they are in pain or just curious.

Do guinea pigs and dwarf rabbits get along?

It is best that guinea pigs are kept with other guinea pigs rather than rabbits as rabbits do not speak "cavy" and guinea pigs like to have others of their own species to talk to. Rabbits tend to spray, and guinea pigs are animals that like to be clean and as hygienic as possible. They also cant share food, as rabbit food contains an anti-coccidostat (ACS) which will shorten a guinea pigs lifespan by poisoning it's internal organs. Although they would probably be OK together, it will be better for the guinea pig if they are kept apart- having said that, there are cases of rabbits and guinea pigs getting on very well and living happily together. It depends on how the guinea pig and the rabbit get on. Hope this was helpful :)

Why can't guinea pigs and rabbits live in the same hutch?

There are several reasons why you shouldnt keep guinea pigs and rabbits together, the rabbits are usually bigger than the guinea pig so there is some danger of the guinea pig being injured and although its rare, guinea pigs and rabbits have been known to mate which can harm the guinea pig and even the rabbit.

Do rabbits kill guinea pigs?
