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No, neurons are still involved. But in some cases, the signal doesn't travel all the way to the brain.

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No. In fact you need at least 2.

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Q: Can reflex actions be carried out without the involvement of a neuron?
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Can reflex action be carried out without the involvement of neuron?


How is the neuron carried messages from another neuron if there is a space between them?

axon and sypanes

How us the messages carried from one neuron to another if there is a space between them?

axon and sypanes

Why are reflex actions very fast?

The impulse in a reflex action goes directly from the sensory neuron to the inter neuron to the spinal cord, which allows for faster actions.

What connects nerve cells?

The electrical signals nerve impulses carried by some neuron are passed on to other the signals carried by some neuron transmitter excite the target cells while nerve cells sometimes extend the whole length of the spinal cord connect sensory nerves are over bearing.

Which of the following helps carry nerve impulses across the synapse?

neurotransmitter carries the nerve impulses from neuron to neuron across a synapse

How is the message caried from one neuron to another it there is a space between them?

The synaptic gap is the space between the dendrites of one neuron and the axon of the next. The impulse is carried across this space by chemicals called neurotransmitters which conduct the electrical impulse.

Is the brain involved in a reflex arc?

yes brain i s involved in reflex actions as it makes a pathway for sensory neuron to connect with and brain then directs the motor neuron to take a particular action which is given by effector !(muscles)

What type of ion channels does an actions potential in the axon terminal of a motor neuron open?

voltage-gated calcium ion channel

How does a signal travels down a neuron?

Best Answer: They make chemicals that are gas-like. Neurotransmitters.

What is the main part of the of a neuron?

It depends on what you mean by 'main'. The AXON is the part which CONVEYS the neural impulse, which could be thought of as the main FUNCTION of the neuron. But the DENDRITES are the parts which assess whether the neuron has been stimulated enough to fire the axon, which is another fundamental function of some neurons. And the BODY (soma) of the neuron is very much a 'main' part of the neuron, because without it the neuron would die.

Why is the sodium potassium pump important?

because without this pump the inside of neuron will stay + and outside -( check that, I am not that sure) and the neuron will not be able to function, as a result you will not feel any pain or even feel anything. read the section that talks about neuron's function...