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Just don't do it.

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Q: Can relacore extra be snorted what will you feel?
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Related questions

What is relacore?

it's an anti-depressant

Does relacore get you high?

Yes , High as hell (:

Is relacore a drug?

I don't know too much about this drug, from what I can make out Relacore is used to reduce cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body, when on a diet. Aiding an individual when reducing stress related abdominal fat.

Can you use cornstarch to get high?

Yes, just snorted a two inch line and I feel bomb!

What is the new white powder drug that when snorted is new and makes you feel like your on cocaine and a little on ecstasy and it is white and snorted and is not molly but may start wan M?

Filo dough, Opa!

Can you take relacore while taking Wellbutrin?

Yes, based on the ingredients in Relacore (vitamins, magnolia bark, passionflower, etc) it would seem safe to take this with an antidepressant like Wellbutrin.

How do you put snorted in a sentence?

She snorted when she laughed.

Can you snort relacore?

I make mine into a fine powder and it is great to snort!

Where can a person find customer reviews for Relacore?

Relacore hosts a website that provides consumer reviews. Of course, most of these will have a bias towards that product so another good place to look for reviews would be selecting one from a variety of question and answer websites. If you prefer not to use the internet, you can consult you personal physician who should have pamphlets with appropriate information and information that will lead to other resources concerning Relacore.

Can you snort ginseng?

ok just snorted it it is very chalky and I don't feel relaxed...yet

Does relacore really work?

YES it does! Use is for a while and you will see results after a couple months! KEEP at it though!!

Can Demerol be snorted or smoked?

it can be snorted, smoked, or shot up. You can even shoot up Vicodin and Hydrocodone.