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Q: Can removing wisdom teeth cause your cheek to swell even 3 weeks after the procedure?
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How do you stop cheek swelling i didn't get my wisdom teeth out and I'm pretty sure I'm not allergic to anything i woke up and my cheek and a little bit of my neck hurt and my cheek was swelling?

The cheek swelling was caused by bacterial infection, which food debris to the periodontal pocket of your wisdom tooth resulted in. Usually metronidazole and cefaclor should be taken orally about one week. The wisdom tooth need to be pulled out until the cheek swelling cure.

What do you do if you bite your cheek after wisdom teeth extraction?

try to not keep biting it

Is it normal to have a hoe on your cheek after your wisdom teeth removed?

On your cheek? There should be upto 4 holes in the back of your mouth (where the teeth were pulled) for a few weeks, but unless something happened to your cheek during the surgery. (or at another time) you shouldn't have a hole in your cheek

Is it normal to have a stitch connected to your cheek after having wisdom teeth extracted?

Answer stitches in cheekI had my wisdom teeth taken out a week ago all my swelling has gone down and i have the same thing there is 1 stitch in my cheek so yes im pretty sure it is normal.

What could be the cause of a non-painful red spot inside my cheek?

An accidental cheek bite is the most common cause of a non-painful red spot inside your cheek. This often happens when you are eating or chewing gum.

Why do French kiss on the cheek to say hello?

just cause.

What cause your cheek to get caught between your upper and lower molars?


Which type of solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink?

A hypertonic solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink. The size is related to the fact that the hypertonic solution has a greater concentration of solute outside the cell.

How to stop a green cheek conure from biting?

A green cheek conure can be taught to refrain from biting by removing the bird and placing them back in their cage with a cover on. They dislike the isolation. The bird should never be allowed to be higher than the human.

Can you have stiches on the side of your cheek after wisdom tooth extraction?

Yes. The surgeon closes the wound with a suture that basically attaches the cheek skin to the gum tissue leading to your tongue. As you swell after surgery the stich starts to feel more tight and becomes more noticeable to you.

What are symptoms of a punctured sinus resulting from dental procedure?

Continual stream of clear liquid running from the nose. Pain under cheek bone.

What was on Alexi Ogando's cheek during the October 2011 World Series?

Alexi Ogando has a cyst of his cheek, but he has not publicly addressed the issue (if it even is one), so the cause is unknown.