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not independantly, but the association of a similar environment where both circumstance of things would likely happen or be present might make it appear that a cockroach could give you scabies

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Q: Can roaches cause scabies
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What is commonly known as itch mite?

An itch mite is a parasitic mite that can cause scabies in both humans and animals. They burrow themselves in the skin and cause severe irritation.

Can scabies cause arthritis?

Certain infections can or allergies can be the cause of arthritis However it sounds unlikely,

What did lice cause in WW1?

ItchingIt was most likely "Norwegian scabies" which refers instead to a particularly severe form of scabies that is also known as crusted scabies. Crusted scabies has been called Norwegian scabies because the condition was first described in Norway in the mid-19th century.

Can scabies cause the balls to shrink?

No. Scabies are a skin parasite. They do not infect the testicles. They can be easily treated with an ointment if you go to your doctor and pick up a prescription.

How does someone get scabies other than by spreading?

The mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) that cause scabies can be caried by various hosts and objects, not only by those who display symptoms. But infection is primarily skin-to-skin contact.

Can amoxicillin kill scabies?

Amoxicillin cannot be used to treat nor cure scabies, but it is often prescribed when you have scabies to help in the fighting off of bacteria. When the blisters form on your skin and you scratch them whether knowingly or not, you cause infection. The Amoxicillin is only used in your regime to keep down further infection with your condition. If you have scabies, I would suggest taking it while you otherwise treat the scabies. Amoxicillin cannot be used to treat nor cure scabies, but it is often prescribed when you have scabies to help in the fighting off of bacteria. When the blisters form on your skin and you scratch them whether knowingly or not, you cause infection. The Amoxicillin is only used in your regime to keep down further infection with your condition. If you have scabies, I would suggest taking it while you otherwise treat the scabies.

What can cause bumps under the skin to rise up like a bite elongate turn red and get itchy?

scabies that sounds just like scabies look it up

Does scabies cause blood infection?

NO scabies is just skin infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei.secondary infection caused by bacteria may occur in only immunocompromised person

Does lemon juice kill scabies?

Lemon juice will not kill scabies. It will cause pain at any bite marks. Just get the real medication.

Can you get scabies from roosters?

It is very unlikely. Scabies Sarcoptes Scabiei is spread by human to human contact. Animal scabies can irritate humans but cannot survive long enough to cause much problem. Domestic poultry is not prone to this type of mite.

Does ammonia kill roaches?

i want to try it on roaches cause im useing it outside for aunts ammonia and water in a big sprayer if the foggers dont work im trying this

How to get rid of scabies?

Permethrin cream. Permethrin is a skin cream with chemicals that kill mites that cause scabies and their eggs. ... Sulfur cream. Sulfur cream is a scabies treatment that can be applied overnight, rinsed off and then reapplied for five nights in a row. ... Ivermectin (Stromectol).