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Your garbage disposal is already a breeding ground for microbes, so I would not worry about adding bacteria to it. But, I would be concerned about clogging the drain pipes with the peanut butter. Don't use the disposal. Just throw it in the trash.

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Q: Can salmonella contaminate your garbage disposal by putting peanut butter in it?
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Can Fish skin down the garbage disposal?

Putting fish skin down a garbage disposal isn't recommended. You can simply throw the skin away. This will eliminate the smell as well.

Can salmonella contaminate your garbage disposal by putting eggshells in it?

If the eggs are contaminated and carrying a good deal of the bacteria, then obviously, that sickening little organism is going to invade your garbage disposal. Then again, why would you care? I am sure the garbage disposal is rife with all sorts of germs. When thinking of septic environments, any drain - equipped with a disposal or not certainly comes to mind. Run hot water and a disinfectant (bleach possibly)down the drain and in the sink surface if you are concerned. Are you looking to bathe a baby in the sink or something? I wouldn't be putting a child in a sink with a disposal unit installed. Could lop off a leg or something!!! GOOD LUCK If the eggs are contaminated and carrying a good deal of the bacteria, then obviously, that sickening little organism is going to invade your garbage disposal. Then again, why would you care? I am sure the garbage disposal is rife with all sorts of germs. When thinking of septic environments, any drain - equipped with a disposal or not certainly comes to mind. Run hot water and a disinfectant (bleach possibly)down the drain and in the sink surface if you are concerned. Are you looking to bathe an infant in the sink or something? Watch that child's leg in the disposal unit... don't want to lop it off! GOOD LUCK

How do you repair garbage disposal after grinding banana peeling?

U can dispose it be putting it in a bag and wrapping the bag and then put it in the garbage bad then through it away.

Can you put cooked pasta down the garbage disposal?

Just unblocked the waste pipe after putting a copious amount of pasta down unit, would not recommend!

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i have contaminate the food by putting my dirty hand on the food.

Will putting cantaloupe rinds in the disposal hurt the disposal?

Yes. But better to put it into a compost pile or bin. It would be of better use for next years vegetable garden.

Are there any problems with putting coffee grounds down the sink or garbage disposal or toilet and which is preferable?

If you dump too much at once you can block the drains, if you must dump coffee grounds down the drain choose the widest drain, (toilet or waste disposal) and flush with lots of water.

Can you put orange peels in a garbage disposal?

Here is advice and input: * Putting orange and lemon peels down the garbage disposal makes the drain, sink, and entire kitchen smell fresh and clean. No one likes a smelly drain, and recycling these peels as air freshener can make your entire kitchen smell citrus fresh. Older citrus fruits that may be going partially bad, can still be cut up and put into the garbage disposal. If you don't have a disposal, orange and lemon juice with warm running water can keep your drains smelling fresh.. * If your garbage disposal is stong enough, its a very good idea to put orange or lemon peels down it to make it smell good. * Putting orange peels down a disposal is a GREAT idea. It rids the disposal of the disgusting smell. I wish I would have tried it sooner! * Alternatively, pour a half cup of baking soda into the drain, and then pour some white vinegar on top of it. This will foam, cleaning the area and making it smell fresh. Why waste the orange peels? Keep them and dry them out. If you have a fireplace and are going to have a fire one night throw some dried orange peels in. It makes your home smell nice! Also, you can use the dried orange peels and put them in netting and hang a little in closets, drawers, or in your bathroom.

What is the common method of liquid waste disposal?

Putting it down a drain.

How did soil pollution start?

man started putting garbage onto the earth.

What are various ways baking soda is used in cooking?

In baking complicated cake, muffin, cookies and the like recipes that have heavy ingredients like chocolate and fruit. In putting out small fires in the kitchen and absorbing strange odors in the garbage disposal, all part of the cooking experience. Have fun!

How can people help with littering?

By picking up any litter they see and putting it in the garbage.