

Can scientist see an atom

Updated: 5/26/2024
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13y ago

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Whether or not scientists have ever seen inside an atom depends on your definition of the word, "seen." Scientists have never been able to look at inside an atom with a tool like a microscope and look inside an atom with their necked eyes. They have been able to use particle accelerators and find out all sorts of things about the insides of atoms. They have seen how electrons are in orbitals around the nucleus. They discovered that protons and neutrons each consist of 3 quarks and 3 gluons. They discovered how they are arranged in the nucleus. They can hit millions of atoms with millions of protons or electrons. They can tell by the patterns they produce what is in the nucleus or in the orbitals around the nucleus. They use supercomputers to make sense of the data. I could not do a billion equations.

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5d ago

Scientists cannot see individual atoms using traditional optical microscopes due to their minute size. Instead, they use advanced techniques like electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy to visualize atoms. These techniques can generate images with atomic resolution by interacting with the atoms themselves or their inherent properties.

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11y ago

Although it is extremely hard to see an individual atom, it has been done, by using the most powerful available microscope technology.

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13y ago

Yes. With microscopes.

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The scientist who thought the atom was hard solid ball was?

The scientist who first proposed the idea of the atom as a hard solid ball was John Dalton in the early 19th century. Dalton's atomic theory described atoms as tiny, indivisible particles that made up all matter.

How did the discoveries made by JJ Thompson and James Chadwick shape what you know the atom to look like today?

It should be noted here that no one knows what an atom looks like, and conventional wisdom infers that an atom is just the border of energy that we can see evidence of. This is surely not worded correctly for a scientist--but the point is that a postulate of science goes that we will never actually 'see' an atom, no matter how powerful our microscopes get, because they border the quantum level, where the physical world reveals its true nature as energy.

What might a scientist do in order to help visualize an atom?

A scientist can use computer simulations or models to visualize an atom. These tools can depict the structure of an atom, including the arrangement of its subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Additionally, techniques like scanning tunneling microscopy can provide real-time images of atoms.

How can you use the word atom in a sentence?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element.

How powerful of a microscope do you need to see a atom?

To see an atom, you would need an electron microscope with a resolution of around 0.1 nanometers or higher. Traditional light microscopes are not powerful enough to visualize individual atoms due to their limited resolution.

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The scientist who first proposed the idea of the atom as a hard solid ball was John Dalton in the early 19th century. Dalton's atomic theory described atoms as tiny, indivisible particles that made up all matter.

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Democritus proposed the concept of atoms as indivisible particles. John Dalton introduced the atomic theory, stating that elements are composed of atoms. J.J. Thomson discovered the electron, leading to the plum pudding model of the atom. Ernest Rutherford conducted the gold foil experiment, leading to the nuclear model of the atom. Niels Bohr developed the planetary model of the atom with distinct energy levels.

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atom- an atom is the smallest unit of matter. the atom helped scientists name and classify objects into groups.

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