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"Scoliosis will keep getting worse until you stop growing, for girls that is about age 16, and for boys that is about age 18. My suggestion is wear a brace to prevent it from getting worse, so you don't have to have metal bars put next to your spine. As for getting more painful, according to the doctors, scoliosis doesn't cause pain, but since your muscles are not where they are supposed to be, you would think it would cause pain, and it does in some cases. Also, scoliosis will cause back problems when you get to a more advanced age." is the previous answer, i say,

my doctor told me you stop growing 2 years after puberty has properly started ie for girl p's have started. i've got oughly year and a half of proper growing and then every year after my spine will get 2 degrees worse (since i've egot double curve) for people who don't each curve one degree worse. they also said it is quite likely the pain will get worse. hope either mine or previous persons help :)

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12y ago
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11y ago

yes i have severe scoliosis and my back spine is curved 73° which is almost needed for operation.

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Q: Can scoliosis get severe
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Can scoliosis cause paralysis?

If the scoliosis is so severe that there is injury to the spinal cord, paralysis could result.

Does PE effect Idiopathic scoliosis?

No, it does not. It's possible that some activities might cause pain, depending on how severe the scoliosis is.

Does scoliosis get severe?

yes!of course! sometimes it can be so severe, you can't even stand up straight!

Is a 90 degree angle in scoliosis bad and is it considered a disability?

Yes it is quite severe. Anything over 70 degrees is considered severe scoliosis. And yes it is considered a disability, especially if it keeps you from working.

Are all levels of scoliosis considered chronic or just the really major ones?

Scoliosis is not considered chronic or acute based on severity of the curve. Chronic implies long term, so if you have scoliosis that is untreated then it is chronic. If you have a functional scoliosis that is improved through conservative treatment, or severe structural scoliosis that is improved through surgery, then it is no longer chronic. Of course, the more severe the scoliosis at the start, the less likely it is to be "fixed" and thus the more likely it is to become chronic.

When is scoliosis surgery necessary?

Scoliosis surgery is only necessary in special and specific circumstances. This is when your spinal cord is in danger, or some other vital organ may be damaged, or you are in severe pain.

Does 45 degree scoliosis effect lung capacity?

When curvature is severe and located in the thoracic and cervical regions, scoliosis can impinge on the space that houses the heart and lungs. In severe cases, lung or heart capacity can be compromised, causing shortness of breath or heart problems, thereby necessitating more aggressive treatment. When scoliosis deforms the ribs, this can cause similar problems. In very severe cases, patients with diminished lung capacity must use supplemental oxygen.

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great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

For what is the spinal cord?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

What can you do for a sebaceous cyst that is on the back on the spine?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

What is the spinal cord wanted for?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

Is scoliosis a disability for social security?

Yes, if it is severe enough. Look at the listing of impairments on the social security website