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Q: Can seroquel help with xanax withdrawls?
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200 mg of seroquel is the same as taking 4 xanax

Can Xanax and seroquel be taken together?

yes you can last year i was on 2mg xanax 4x a day and 1600mg of serquel a day as directed by my doctor

Can you take Ativan and Zoloft and Seroquel with Methocarbamol?

Methocarbamol + Xanax = increased sedative effect

What is the difference in seroquel and Xanax?

Seroquel is the initial version of the drug, Seroquel XR is a sustained-release version useful because you will only need to take one dose daily as opposed to multiple doses of plain Seroquel.Seroquel XR means extended release while Seroquel refers to the ordinary one.

What is an alternative to Seroquel for Anxiety?

This is simply not true. Many antidepressants can actually INCREASE anxiety, though your body may vary. Buspar is something worth giving a shot, as well as Benadryl. There are also the old and trusted Klonipin, Xanax, and Ativan, though those have a risk of addiction--particularly Xanax. Most antidepressants help with anxiety. Seroquel is strong stuff.

How long can you take xanax without having withdrawls when you quit?

xanax is baddd news, i was on klonopin, then ativan then xanax just coz i wanted to see wat xanax was like, it was hell! every 3-5hrs it felt like i was panicing again, it has a very short haflife.

Is it safe to take 4mg of xanax and 25mg of seroquel?

they are both cns depressants, talk to your docter

Can you mix seroquel and Xanax?

Yes, a person can take Seroquel and Xanax together. However, they do have some drug interaction, that will make the person very sleepy.

Can you take 20 mg of Prozac and 50 mg of seroquel together and xanax 25 at bedtime?


How can you get Xanax out of your system quicker?

Depends what your trying to do. Are you trying to get off them? If so seek professional health, they have nasty withdrawls and can cause panic attacts that are extremely intense.

Can you mix benzodiazopine with quetiapine?

My doctor used to (just 2 months ago, for several years) prescribe Seroquel (quetiapine) with xanax and ativan. So, I think the answer is "yes". I was also in a research study involving Seroquel and Depakote (valproic acid) and they allowed me to take xanax occasionally for anxiety. This is all for the diagnosis of bi-polar disorder.