

Can sharks breathe air

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Sharks are fish, they breathe water through their gills.

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Q: Can sharks breathe air
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Are sharks amphibians mammals or reptiles?

Sharks are neither amphibians, mammals or reptiles. Sharks are fish.

How long so sharks hold their breath for?

Sharks can ONLY breath underwater. They're not mammals like us.

How does sharks get there air?

they have gills, they can breathe underwater for up to 4 months at a time without coming up for air.

Why do great white sharks have to live in the ocean?

Because they are fish. They cannot walk or breathe air.

Differences between sharks and dolphins?

Dolphins breathe with lungs while sharks breathe with gills.

Does a great white shark have to surface to breathe?

Great Whites - like all Sharks - use gills to filter oxygen from the water. They can't breathe air.

What some differences between dolphins and sharks?

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

Can sharks breathe when not swimming?

Some sharks, but not all.

How can sharks and dolphins breathe under water?

Sharks breathe with gills, just like any other fish. Dolphins are mammals, they breathe with lungs. They can't breathe under water. But they're really good at holding their breath, so they only need to surface every few minutes for a new breath.

Can white sharks only breathe underwater?

All Sharks are fish, and have to have water flowing over their gills to breathe.

Are sharks different than whales?

YES! Sharks are fish and whales are mammals: they breathe air with lungs and nurse their young. Also Sharks only have bone in their jaw bone. The support for the rest of their body is cartilage.

Do sharks attack people on land?

sharks do not attack people on land. a shark is a water animal so if a shark took the time to atack someone on land, thehy shark would die. sharks do not breathe air.