

Can silverfish lay eggs in your ears?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Yes, but they have to be over 15 months of age.

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yes they do indeed

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Q: Can silverfish lay eggs in your ears?
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Do silverfish lay eggs in your ear?

Silverfish will not lay eggs in a humans ear. They will only lay eggs where they find their food and a human is not one of their food sources.

What happens when silverfish lay eggs in your ears?

I know that silverfish do get into your ears and sometimes your mouth. If it lays eggs in your ears, well, I haven't the slightest clue, but I strongly suggest you don't be the one to find out. Hi this is crikeyirwin and before taking showers I always spit in the sink I don't know why it's because I am afraid of finding something gross... and boy oh boy when I did some reserch on it and found out it was a silverfish I just got grossed out.

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hedge hog, antspine eater, duckbilled playtipus, whales, dolphins and 4000 species of animals that have ears but lay eggs. go and research

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the ones who lay eggs everywhere and you can't get rid of them. they like to lay eggs lown in the throat and in the ears.

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It depends on the breed as to what color they usually lay. Interestingly enough, they will lay the color of their ears. Sometimes a brown laying species may have an individual with white ears, who will lay white eggs. It may have evolved to blend into whatever habitat they originated from.

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How does Silverfish reproduce?

A male and a female will stand off and stare at each other. They will then back away and go towards each other again. When they get close to each other they will rub antennas for about half an hour, at which point the male will walk away from the female silverfish. If the female silverfish follows the male will fertilize the female. The female will then lay a cluster of around fifty eggs inside cracks and other small areas.