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Certain metals can be blackened or streak by perspiration...

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Q: Can skin turn metals a different color?
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What color will your skin turn without oxygen?

your blood is blue but as the blood reaches the surface of your skin it is red. hope this helps. Ayraayra: Your skin will turn a bluish-purplish color.

How did Michael Jackson turn the color he is know?

His docor and the medicine is what made him turn a different color. He had something called'' Viliton''. It started with his hands turning a different color and got to his whole body. THANK YOU FOR READING :) :) :) :) :)

What causes skin to turn a different color?

It mite be hereditary i have the same problem but on my finger go to the doctors they will help but its not a big of a deal.

Why would your skin color change to green?

Copper has a reaction with skin that may turn it green or black. So if you have gold or silver jewelery since copper is one of the metals in these 2 to keep prices down this may be the most likely cause.

What will be the color of the skin after 5minutes run?

it will turn to it normal condition.

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What color do you turn when you die?

well someone told me you turn purple but im not sure.

What colors does albino turn the skin?

Albinism is an ABSENCE of skin, eye and hair color. The skin will usually appear pinkish- that is the color of the blood in the fine blood vessels.

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What color do lizards turn into?

lizards can be one color or the can be different colors

Why do different metals turn different colours when heated?

cos mofos is ill bot. Whatdaya want bro.