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Q: Can sleep apnea cause numbness in the hands?
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Can sleep apnea cause enlarged heart?

Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder whereby the pharynx closes causing the patient to gasp or even stop breathing in their sleep. Yes, obstructive sleep apnea can cause an enlarged and thickened heart.

Can sleep apnea cause seizures?

There are quite a few things that can cause seizures, but sleep apnea is not a direct cause. Sleep Apnea, however, can cause certain other conditions, so if you suffer from this you should take care of it.

How does sleep apnea cause ED?

It doesn't. I have sleep apnea, and no problems with any other bedtime activities.

What steps are taken in the treatment of Sleep Apnea?

The first step in treating Sleep Apnea is finding out the cause. For most people the cause is being overweight and losing that weight would be the first step in treating Sleep Apnea.

Should someone with sleep apnea take seroquel?

I have sleep apnea and I am taking seraquil. Does this cause me to have shallow breathing?

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What different types of treatment for sleep apnea is there?

Obstructive sleep apnea cause when soft tissues relax and collapse block breathing and thus preventing inhaled air from reaching the lungs Next Central sleep apnea cause when brain doesn't send signals through lungs however when breathing passage is open it would not reach air sacs called alveoli thus leading to falling asleep

Can sleep apnea cause gout?

No it doesnt cause this complaint. There is no pathological nor epidemiological evidence that shows sleep apnea alone causes gout and the cure of sleep apnea is the cure for gout. The Sleep journal provides a great disservice to the public, especially to the gouties, by publishing such a misleading and fraudulent medical claims in the Letter.

Will mold allergies influence sleep apnea?

Allergies are a big cause of sleep apnea - your throat and nasal tissues swell with allergic reactions, and that impedes your breathing.

What sleep disorders cause fatigue?

There are a variety of sleep disorders that cause fatigue, including insomnia, hypersomnia, sleep apnea , and restless legs syndrome.

What is the Definition of Central Sleep Apnea?

Central Sleep Apnea is a disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during your sleep. Central Sleep Apnea is less common than Obstructive Sleep Apnea.