

Can smoking cause complications for pregnancies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Most definetly,it is common sense!

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Q: Can smoking cause complications for pregnancies?
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She should not, especially if she is young or within child-bearing age. This may cause complications with future pregnancies.

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There is no actual certainty of death due to smoking. Smoking cigarettes or cigars is a very unhealthy habit that can lead to a number of medical complications and can lead to death, though it is not always the cause of death to a smoker.

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Complications in pregnancy and childbirth. Colpotomy may be used in the management of difficult pregnancies and childbirths.

What effects does smoking have on a pregnant woman?

Smoking cigarettes is probably the number 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies. Complications that occur frequently are: babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies who die before they can be born at all.

Can you be a smoker and get breast implants?

yes, most Plastic Surgeons will carry out a breast enlargement on smokers. However, you will be strongly advised to stop smoking for six weeks before the operation and six weeks afterwards. Smoking can cause post opertaive complications such as delayed healing.

When you smoke can smoking cause Brian cancer?

No, smoking can not cause "Brian" cancer.

If you take a pregnancy test and it comes out positive how soon should you make a doctors appointment?

OBGYN's usually wont see a person who has conceived until they are at least 8 weeks along unless they have had previous pregnancies and complications with those pregnancies.

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No, quitting smoking can not cause a missed period.

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Smoking increases a patient's chance of developing an ulcer, decreases the body's response to therapy, and increases the chances of dying from complications.

What are the complications of an o and o- union?

If the mother is o- and its a first pregnancy then there are rarely any complications. Its during subsequent pregnancies when problems arise. If its a first pregnancy with an rh- mother then get all the info you can about an anti d injection and all the times you need to have it which is not only during pregnancy, its any time rh+ blood can mix with rh- blood and cause antibodies.