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Snus increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, although it's very rare. It does not increase the risk of lung or mouth cancer.

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12y ago

yes yes it can so do not snuff THAT SMOKEY MOUTAIN STUFF

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Q: Can smokey mountain snuff cause cancer?
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Can herbal snuff cause cancer?

Oral cancer, throat cancer, and lymphatic cancers can be caused by snuff. This is a tobacco product most commonly used in the mouth. Oral cancer is most common.

Can you buy smokey mountain snuff under 18?

No. Only at some tobacco stores. Not many though. Because it is meant as a replacement for dip. Not a trainer.

Can Oregon snuff co-chew give you cancer?

Any form of mouth tobacco can cause mouth cancer.

Tobacco chewing and snuff dipping can cause the gums to?

Recede, bleed and possibly even develop cancer.

What dip can do to you?

Dip, or snuff, can cause mouth, throat, and gum cancer. It can also slowly erode your gum line.

What can 1 can of snuff do to you?

Snuff can't kill you easily but not one can of it if you are new to snuff the most it can do is make you sick to your stomach but if you do it for years and years you have the possibility of lip cancer or mouth cancer. So over all one can of snuff won't really do anything to you.

How can you dip snuff and not let your parents know?

Dipping snuff causes oral cancer. You should not be doing this.

Why are males more susceptible to oral cancer than females?

More males than females smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, smoke pipes, and use snuff. All of those things can cause oral cancer, and some can also cause lung cancer.

Can you dip tobacco free snuff in school?

I would think that you could. schools say they are a tobacco free campus and its obviously tobacco free. i just quit dip after six years today and i do Smokey Mountain. but you should be allowed to use the product on school grounds.

How does snuff tobacco affect you?

mouth cancer, tooth decay,and tooth loss

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the poisonous plant Mountain snuff?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Arnica montana.

Can you die from chewing tobacco snuff?

Yes you can, Lip, tongue and mouth cancer can occur. Be careful if you are using it. It is a poison to plants! Ouch!