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Q: Can somebody you when your questions are not being answered on WikiAnswers?
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Are your questions being answered directly or by computer?

Questions on WikiAnswers are answered by humans who come to the site.

Is the person who answers these questions a Christian?

Well, these questions are not answered by a single person; they are answered by many different people all over the world. With that being said, it cannot be determined whether the people who answer the questions on WikiAnswers are Christian or not.

Why are there automated bots on WikiAnswers?

Due to the number of questions submitted each day to WikiAnswers, a number will inevitably be neglected. These bots help clean up these questions so they have a better chance of being answered.

How up-to date is WikiAnswers?

Questions are being answered every second on WikiAnswers. That said, some answers may be outdated. If you see an answer that needs updating, feel free to edit it.

Is WikiAnswers up-to-date?

Questions are being answered every second on WikiAnswers. That said, some answers may be outdated. If you see an answer that needs updating, feel free to edit it.

Is WikiAnswers update?

The Wikianswers website is constantly being updated. There is a consistent amount of questions being asked, questions being answered. And as a result users statistics are constantly being updated along with supervisors carrying out their tasks and as a result actions will cause the website to update. As well as other sites updating themselves as Wikianswers changes content, such as with search engines.

Why are people scared to answer all questions on WikiAnswers?

I do not believe it is 'fear' that keeps questions from being answered. I believe that most people don't just sit around reading questions to be answered. I have answered a few that I knew the answer to, while I was searching for answers to the question that *I* have. Did you ask a question that you think no one is brave enough to answer?

Why does WikiAnswers say it can answer anything when it can't because it is?

This is because only people answer questions and it is likely a lot of questions are not relevant to the readers, therefore not being answered. (btw, bad question grammar.)

How do you vote on the 'voted not answered' questions on Wikianswers?

Users are asked randomly to vote when viewing a question's answer - the feature is not currently being used by all users.

Are the questions answered by delegates in WikiAnswers supervised before being sent to the person who was asking the question?

No. Changes made on this site happen immediately. There is no moderation between the time they are answered and the time they are alive on the site. Any supervisor activity occurs after they are answered.

Why can it take weeks to get a response on WikiAnswers?

Sometimes questions go weeks without being answered. Not all questions are created equal... Be sure that you asked your question as effectively as possible. Questions with no spelling mistakes, correct grammar, and a clear point tend to get answered quicker. Also, questions in niche topics tend to take longer to be answered since they require someone with the right kind of experience to answer them.

Do you have to ask and answer questions specifically in the category that you want to supervise if you want to become a supervisor of WikiAnswers?

When you are being evaluated as a supervisor for a particular category the categories of the questions you have answered typically do not play a factor. Instead, the quality of the answers is what is important.