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I was lost now I'm found

What have I done?

Evil has been stalking me

Fear brings me here

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Q: Can someone help think of a title for our movie that involves demons and the devil but has a christian theme. At first hes not a christian but then demons stalk him and he finally turns to god?
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Why won't Christian's celebrate Halloween?

It is not a Christian holiday, and involves demons. Specifically, it is a Celtic holiday that is meant to scare away demons with food/decorations.

Does Christian Cooke from Demons have Facebook?

No but he has bummed a trani

What is the meaning of demonology?

Demonology is the systematic study of demons or beliefs about demons.[1] Insofar as it involves exegesis, demonology is an orthodox branch of theology.[2] Demonology is the study and cataloging of demons.

If According to the Christian bible do ghosts exist?

No, but there are records of demons

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Are there demons worst than Lucifer?

In many belief systems, Lucifer is considered to be one of the most powerful and malevolent demons. However, some texts and traditions may depict other demons as equally or more powerful and wicked, such as figures like Satan, Leviathan, or Beelzebub. Ultimately, perspectives on the hierarchy and characteristics of demons vary across different mythologies and cosmologies.

If God doesn't exist does that mean demons doesn't exist as well?

According to the Christian teachings both God and the demons do exist.

What do you call someone who works with demons?


How do you become a werewolf to fight demons for god?

The best way to fight demons for God is not to become a werewolf. Becoming a Christian would be a better way.

Why does Glen Jacobs claim he is the devil famous demon if he is a christian?

Because he's not a Christian he's an Atheist and doesn't believe in Gods or Demons.

What religon is Katy Perry?

She was brought up Christian but chose to be a demon child.She now dances with demons.