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Ego can be paraphrased as one's sense of self-importance, self-esteem, or identity. It refers to the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious and is responsible for decision-making and reality testing.

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Q: Can someone paraphrase the word ego?
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What is an antonym for the word paraphrase?

An antonym for the word paraphrase is quotation.

Can you give me a sentence with the word paraphrase in it?

I am sorry the word you have said ,i cannot paraphrase it. -Your welcome

A restatement in ones own words of someone elseโ€™s written work?

To restate in ones own words the written work of someone else is to paraphrase.

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A restatement in one's own words of someone else's writing work?

A paraphrase, or a summary.

What is the Latin word for ego?

Ego IS a Latin word. It is the Latin for I.

A reinstatement in one own words of someone else written work?

You probably mean "restatement," not "reinstatement." The word is "paraphrase."

What is the word origin for the word paraphrase?

The word "paraphrase" comes from the Middle French word "paraphraser," which is derived from the Latin word "paraphrasis," meaning "a version of a text in other words."

What is a restatement in one own word of someone else written work?

Paraphrase is the verb; paraphrasing is the gerund ( noun ).

Make a sentence with the word paraphrase?

I can't remember his exact words, but to paraphrase, he doesn't support the plan.

What is one difference between a paraphrase and quotation?

A paraphrase is when you reword someone else's ideas in your own words, while a quotation is when you repeat someone else's exact words.

When was Ego Is Not a Dirty Word created?

Ego Is Not a Dirty Word was created in 1975-01.