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The purpose of puncturing someone's ego is to put them down.

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Q: What is the purpose of puncturing someone's ego?
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How do you use someones ego against them?

You could point out something small and say " HEY LOOK it's almost as tall as your ego!"

How do you build someones ego?

Building one's ego will vary from person to person, as every one sees themselves differently. Self-worth, acceptance, and enlightenment may help you build someone's ego.

What is Freud's term for the unconscious efforts by the ego to deny or distort reality for the purpose of protecting itself when conflict becomes too intense?

defense mechanisms

What is the purpose of defense mechanisms?

To protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions, or situations that can't be coped with currently.

What is the negative aspect of ego transcendence?

If one talks about ego, one has to distinguish two aspects of ego: positive ego and negative ego. Positive ego is ego that has enabled us to feel like individual human beings, distinct from the mass, or earlier, distinct from the tribal collective mind. This aspect of ego is essential, because only through self-individualization can we fully understand our task in this world. Only through the acknowledgment of "I" as individual can we grow to become truly human. Negative aspect of ego is the one you are probably asking about and there is nothing negative about its transcendence. You have to overcome your own greedy desires, fears of losing control and also, fear of death. Negative ego likes to compete and be better than anyone else for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. It says: "I am indestructible, I am the best, I am the smartest, no one is better than me." This is something to abhor. It is essential not to think of yourself as anything greater than any other human. If this is not pursued, we all know about the consequences.

Related questions

How do you use someones ego against them?

You could point out something small and say " HEY LOOK it's almost as tall as your ego!"

How do you build someones ego?

Building one's ego will vary from person to person, as every one sees themselves differently. Self-worth, acceptance, and enlightenment may help you build someone's ego.

What is Puncturing a vein for the purpose of drawing blood called?

bloodletting i thinkANS2:The answer is Venipuncture. ANS3:Try "Phlebotomy"

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The purpose would have to be flexibility and therefore more protection by not shattering and puncturing the vital organs the ribs are there to protect.

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You could probably use a caliper. That leaves the question: How do you figure out how tall an orange is by puncturing it?

Is printing someones name a forgery?

yes without there consent. or if used for illegal purpose.

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do your ap human ego HW somewhere else!

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The purpose is for poison control is if someone ingest or come into contact with something dangerous to someones health poison control can help them.

Who sings the songs that goes ego ego ego.?


Is it illegal to file someones w2?

If you are doing it for an unlawful purpose, yes.

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