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no, if you have bipolar you were born with it. The symptoms usually start to show when major stressors or triggers arise during a lifetime. Mostly in the teenage years.

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13y ago

No. Most people are born with it, but even if you aren't, you can't "suddenly" have it. Bipolar is often misdiagnosed, so you might feel as if it came out of nowhere.

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Yes. Children with one bipolar parent have a 30% chance of developing bipolar disorder. Even children of bipolar parents who do not develop bipolar disorder are at increased risk (compared to children who do not have a bipolar parent) for other psychopathology such as ADHD, learning disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, etc. Children with two bipolar parents are at an even greater risk of developing bipolar disorder.

Can someone without any pior history of mental illness just overnight get to be bipolar?

Bipolar isn't something you 'catch'. It is present from conception, but generally doesn't manifest itself until the mid teens to early twenties. And it's impossible to become bipolar 'overnight'; it cannot generally be diagnosed until there has been one or more of both phases, manic and depressive.