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No, but if you have a common cold sore then you should never give oral pleasure as that is a form of herpes.

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Q: Can someone with a canker sore from burshing their teeth too hard give someone herpes through oral They are both clean and no stds and are virgins?
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Related questions

Can canker sores be caught from someone else?

No, canker sores are abrasions inside your mouth and can be caused by biting your mouth, stress, drinking coffee etc. Cold sores (oral herpes) can be spread by someone else.

What is a canker fly?

A canker fly (plural canker flies) refers to a fly that eats fruits

How contagious are canker sores?

Canker sores are not infectious.

How are canker sores diagnosed?

Canker sores are diagnosed by observation of the blister.

Does Ambien cause canker sores?

Ambien doesn't cause canker sores.

When canker sores turn white are they healing?

Canker sores will normally go away by themselves in 7-10 days. The pain can be minimized through careful diet (eliminate spicy, acidic, or other foods that irritate them) or by the use of over the counter anesthetics.

Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.

Is there such thing as a canker at the back of your throght?

uh yes because i had one before but its not exactly a canker

What impact does stress have on the occurrence of canker sores?

Canker sores tend to appear in response to stress.

What is the prognosis for canker sores?

There is no cure for canker sores. They do not get larger or occur more frequently with age.

Can you still chew tobacco when you have a canker sore?

You can chew while having a canker sore on your lip. If you spit right where the canker sore is though it will burn so just be careful

When canker sores are big does that mean that they are going away?

No, when canker sores are going away the pain lessens.