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anyone can APPLY.. whether you get on it or not, depends on how seriously it affects your ability to work

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Q: Can someone with massive blood clots and pulmonary embolism apply for disability?
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when someone has a pulmonary embolism and is on eliquis and they spit up blood Does this mean the clot is breaking up or this a serious issue?

serious issue my friend

Would death from a pulmonary embolism be quick?

According to several sites I've been reading, as I recently lost someone due to this, is that in most cases, it is quite quick.

What are the main causes for hemoptysis?

Hemoptysis is when someone is couching up blood or blood stained mucus. There are several things that can cause this. Some of the more common causes are pneumonia, bronchitis, or a pulmonary embolism.

What is disability discrimination?

Disability discrimination is when someone discriminates against someone else because of a disability they have.

Contra-indication for history of embolism?

what is a slag? someone who is reading this right now

What is pulmonary?

Pulmonary is a term that is relating to the lungs. When someone has a high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs, they would have pulmonary hypertension.

Can you describe a pulmonary embolism and how it develops in a right leg?

Pulmonary embolisms usually start out as a DVT or deep vein thrombosis or a blood clot in one of the major veins. These can form for a number of reasons. If someone has blood that is more prone to clotting than others or if they don't move for an extended period of time which would allow the blood to pool in the vein. When the clot has formed it will stay in the limb that it had started in for a period of time, mine was stayed in my leg a week before moving. When it moves it follows the blood flow to the lung, then it gets stuck there again causing the pulmonary embolism or lung blood clot. The sequential order of a blood clot in the leg or DVT is pieces of thrombus break off and travels up the vein to the inferior vena caba to the right atrium, through the biscupid valve to the right ventrical, then through the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary artery into the lung. Until it gets to a portion of artery that is so small the clot can't pass any further. At that point the clot forms an obstruction.

What sentence can you say disability?

Someone confined to a wheelchair usually has a physical disability.

Can someone on disability have a savings account?


Does a life estate affect disability?

A life estate does not have an affect on someone's disability. It may certainly affect their ability to collect disability payments.

Is dwarfism a disability?

No, there is not disability for just someone that is short. If the short person has a medical problem, they may qualify for disability.

Where can someone apply for disability benefits?

You can apply for disability benefits at your local social security office. You can also review the adult disability checklist and apply for disability benefits online.