

Can someone write you a story about murder?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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This is a question and answer website. We don't write stories. You might want to try a website like Wattpad, where people write stories and have others read them.

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Q: Can someone write you a story about murder?
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It is not a matter of if someone can. Of course, there are people who can write a story about someone who tries to steal the Cat in the Hat's hat. The real question is whether anyone will write the story for you and the answer to that is a resounding NO! If someone did that, they would be robbing you from the experience of using your own imagination and your own writing skills and style to create your own story. We simply will not do that.

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Authors are not going to give out free ideas like that - if they think of a good murder idea they're going to write their own book!You'll have to start thinking of your own murder scenarios if you want to write murder mysteries.

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If someone else write it then its Biography and if you yourself write it its Autobiography

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The duration of The Story of a Murder is 1.45 hours.

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A narrative is a story that you write or tell to someone

When was The Story of a Murder created?

The Story of a Murder was created on 1965-02-25.

When did Abraham Lincoln write his first book?

No, he did not write any books. He wrote one short story , now called "The Trailor Murder Mystery", based on one of his cases. He was known for his many speeches and letters, which have been collected into books.

Can you have more than one murder in a detective story?

Many mystery stories have more than one murder. You can have as many as you'd like. You can even have a "red herring" murder that is committed by someone not the main villain if you want!

Do you write He was charged for murder or He was charged with murder?

Correct: He was charged with murder.