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Once the ejaculate that contains the sperm dries the sperm are dead. They probably die before complete drying occurs. Once dead, they're dead, no coming back if re wetted.

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Q: Can sperm dry off or does it keep producing?
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As long as it doesn't dry off or isn't wiped off.

Can sperm still survive after dried and washed off after an hour?

no, sperm cant last long outside the human body and if its dry then there's no way it is alive.

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No - just make sure you have the heat level on the highest because it will keep it warm. I blow dry mine 3-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes each blow dry session and feels great each & every time!

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You can use hairspray. Spray on an even layer and allow to dry. This will help to keep the glitter from flaking off.

You are a 13 year old boy and havent started sperming how do you make ypur self sperm?

I think you can sperm at ages 10 11 and 12 and up. Im 11 and i know how to sperm. plus you can sperm by masturbating till you get the feeling. yeah all you need to do is masturbate

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PLay Xbox or something that's what i do when i need a break or if im dry.

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Sperm :) xD

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Store your tools properly. Unless they are designed for working in water, keep them dry. Dry them off if they get wet. Only use them for the purpose they were intended to be used. If they have blades, like axes or saws, keep them sharpened.

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Sperm and egg cells are important in the process called fertilization, also known as "conception" which involves the fusion of an ovum with a sperm, that eventually leads to the development of an embryo.

What are present in the urethra that kill sperm?

Urine is acidic and kills off sperm.