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Q: Can sperm hurt you
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Does it hurt when sperm come out?

No, it does not hurt!

Can sperm release hurt?

No, it should not hurt.

Does producing sperm hurt?

No it does not.

Can sperm hurt your tonsil?

Ya, it can.

Does the copper IUD kill sperm?

That is not how an IUD works. What an IUD do is to stop an egg from attaching to the inside of the uterus. It had no effect on the sperm. But no, it shouldn't hurt.

Does it hurt a puppy to swallow human sperm?

NO. It will not hurt. What you are probably asking is if it can have adverse effects for your puppy... Sperm are essentially protein and dogs can cope well with protein in their diet.

Can dogs drink tomato juice?

Yes they can. It won't hurt them, but it will be a challenge to get them to drink it.

Does the tanning bed hurt sperm count for men?

Yes, tanning beds can reduce sperm count. Sperm is stored in the testes in the scrotum for a reason. The sperm needs to be held in the scrotum because sperm cannot survive the regular body temperature and needs to be kept at a lower temperature (in the scrotum). When men tan, the temperature of the sperm increases, killing them.

Does it hurt to put coca cola in your vagina to kill sperm?

It might not hurt but you are putting yourself at risk for a yeast infection because of the sugar content in cola. Also it is not proven that cola will kill sperm, and lastly there is no way to put it in there quickly enough to stop the sperm from moving into the cervix which you really dont want to put cola in if you ever want to have kids.

Is it ok for the father to inject sperm in you when you are 7 weeks?

It won't hurt anything. Next time, swallow it. Enjoy.

Can sperm other than the fathers hurt the baby during pregnancy?

unless he has a S.T.D, no. but use a condom to be safe

Why does sperm have a bite to it?

Sperm should not sting your tongue. There are a few explanations though. If you have just gotten your tongue pierced, it might sting. If you got a cut on your tongue or bit your tongue that could make it sting. Other than that it should not hurt to swallow sperm.