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When outside of a body, sperm generally can only live for 10-15 minutes unless stored in a specialized facility.

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Q: Can sperm live outside the body if caught in a cup?
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Can sperm survuve outside the body?

No it will not survive as SPERM only live for split of seconds.

What if you ejaculate and put it in your pants will the sperm die?

No. Sperm can live outside the body for up to 72 hours.

How long does sperm live when its outside the body?

Once it hits air, its (( dead )). It can live inside the body for 5-6 days

Can sperm live in the ocean?

Yes, sperm can live in the ocean. This is because sperm thrives in warmer temperatures such as ocean water. However, sperm typically does not live outside the body for more than 20 minutes.

Do sperm need oxygen?

no. sperm can live outside the male body for up to 72 hours

Does sperm die when it hits the air or clothes of the male?

No. Sperm can live for several hours outside the female body depending on the environment.

What happens to sperms when it's left out for to long?

Sperm cannot live for very long outside of the body

How long does sperm live outside of the body?

Maximum 36 hours. Normally once a "sperm" reaches oxygen it is no longer effective.

How long can sperm live in a womens body?

how long can sperm live in a women's body

Can you obtain a sperm of your dead boy friend body or clothes?

You can get traces and evidence but sperm cannot live very long outside a human body so you will have to be real quick if you want to make a baby with it.

Sperm how long does it last outside the body?

It can live up to a half hour after ejaculation under the absolute best conditions,

How long can sperm live outside the body at room temp?

It would be measured in a matter of minutes...or until the semen dries up.