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no because they'll get eaten

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Q: Can spider eggs survive without the mother?
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Where does the mother spider store her eggs?

in the web

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A female wolf spider can lay up to 300 eggs

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If a mother mallard who started laying eggs a couple days ago flew away and left them uncovered for nine hours in 30 degree weather would the eggs survive?

I doubt it because the eggs have to stay warm and at 30 degrees without her there is no way they can.

Can baby spiders hatch out of spider wounds?

spiders reproduce i believe through a small opening near the spinnerets....the female doesnt actually lay eggs but carries them on her back through the gestation period until the eggs hatch. ________________________________________________________________ Some spiders lay eggs, sometimes in sacs in under rocks or tree bark, and some do carry the eggs and young on the back. Most mother spiders defend their eggs and sometimes their spiderlings.

Do adult green turtles take care of their babies?

No, they do not. As with any other turtle, the mother lays the eggs and heads back to the water. The parents leave without even knowing if their young survive or not. Other than laying and burying the eggs, there is no parental involvement.

Does a spider need a mate to lay eggs?

Yes. It takes a male and a female spider for the female spider to lay eggs. The male spider wraps his semen inside a ball of spider silk and deposits that inside the female. The female spider usually surrounds her eggs in a cocoon made of spider silk.

How long does a baby starfish stay with its mother?

Some baby starfish stay with their mother until they are able to survive on their own. Others are released as eggs into the water and do not stay with their mother.

What is the life cycle of the white-tailed spider?

After mating with a male, the female spider produces an egg sac that can contain up to a thousand tiny spider eggs. The egg sac is made of silk, and the color varies from species to species. In some species, the female spider carries the egg sac on her spinnerets or in her jaws until the eggs hatch. In other species, the egg sac is hidden under a rock, attached to a plant stalk, or encased in a web. Tiny spiderlings (baby spiders) hatch from the eggs - they look like tiny versions of an adult spider. Some spiderlings are on their own and receive no care from their mother. Other spiders climb onto their mother's back after hatching, where she feeds them. In some species, the mother dies when the young are ready to go off on their own, and the spiderlings eat her carcass.

Can the eggs of the goldfish survive without the mom?

Goldfish do not look after their eggs or babies. They will eat their eggs if they can find them so the breeders should be removed once spawning has finished.

How do Japanese Spider crabs reproduce?

In general, spiders mate and the female lays eggs, which she "hides" in an egg sac. The female actually stores the sperm of the male until she is "ready" to lay the eggs. In a number of different species of spider, the female will kill and eat the male, which is considerably smaller, following mating. The eggs later hatch and the young are on their own. Some young spiders might "hang around" the web of the mother, if she is that kind of spider (the black widow is an example). But though she protects them in her web, the young (which are fully formed and capable) must eventually leave to make their own way - without any more assistance from their mother. Wikipedia has a great article on the spider, and a link to the portion of it that deals with reproduction is provided. Why not surf on over, read the short piece and become an expert?

Was there spider eggs in a lady's mouth?

Yes a lady had spider eggs in her mouth from licking stamps with the eggs on it. The eggs gotimbeddedin her lip and hatches. The spiders then crawled out of her mouth.