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Q: Can steam ever be hotter then 100 celsius?
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Can steam ever be hotter than 100 degrees Celsius?

Yes, but not at atmospheric pressure (which is the pressure of your kitchen). Steam can be hotter than 100 degrees celsius under pressures higher than this.

Which one is hotter 100 Celsius or 100 Fahrenheit?


Which is hotter 100 celsius or 100 Fahrenheit?

100 degrees Celsius is higher

Which is hotter 100 degree celsius or 160 degree Fahrenheit?

100 degrees Celsius

What is hotter 100f or100c?

100 degrees Celsius is hotter. 100 degrees Celsius is mad temperature for weather and it is the temperature that the water boils.

Which is hotter 100 degrees of Celsius or 100 degrees of Fahrenheit?

Celsius 100 degrees Celsius is equal to 212 degrees Fahrenheit

What is hotter 100 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Degrees Celsius are always 'hotter' than degrees Fahrenheit: 100ºC = 212.00ºF

What is hotter 100 Kelvin or 100 Celsius?

Yes, to find temp in Kelvins add the degrees celsius with 273. So 10 degrees C is 283 K.

What is hotter 100celsiuse or 100farhite?

100 Celsius is hotter than 100 Fahrenheit...100 C = 212 F or 100 F = 37.78 C

Why can't you iron wet clothes?

An Iron works by heating the fibres of the cloth to above 100 degrees Celsius. As water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, it is impossible to get the fibres of the cloth to above 100 degrees Celsius when they are wet and therefore wet clothes can not be ironed effectively. You may note that some Irons use steam. In this case the steam is above 100 degrees Celsius and the sole plate of the iron is even hotter. The steam aids the ironing process by 1) taking the heat into the fibres and 2) softening the fibres so that they can be flattened more easily.

How much hotter is Earth than Pluto?

100 Celsius

What does water change to above 100 degrees Celsius?

Steam. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.