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The Birth Control pill can help with hot flashes in women who are still having periods. For women in menopause, the birth control pill is usually not sufficient to control hot flashes. Other non-hormonal treatments are also available. Talk with your health care provider about options.

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Yes, particularly if your own body is not making much estrogen. See your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Q: Can stopping the birth control pill cause hot flashes?
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Could stopping the birth control pill throw you into menopause?

Stopping the birth control pill could unmask the fact that your body was done ovulating, but couldn't cause menopause.

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The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control

Can stopping the birth control pill cause leg pain?

If you are having leg pain you should see a doctor because birth control can cause blood clots and they are painful and very dangerous if not treated. Leg pain is not a sign of birth control withdrawal.

Could stopping the birth control pill cause pregnancy symptoms?

If you're not taking the pill, it's always possible to get pregnant, fake symptoms or not.

Can stopping birth control cause irregular periods?

Yes it is possible to experience an irregular menstral cycle when you discontinue taking birth control. This is because when you take birth control it actually regulates your period. By stopping birth control you may experience breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is when you menstruate at times when you normally would not begin your menstral cycle. Breakthrough bleeding can possibly last for up to a full period or longer. Stopping birth control may also stop your period for a month or longer or you may not receive your period around the normal time of which you used to when you were taking your birth control.It depends sometimes you're period gets normal after birth control but sometimes it may still keep being irregular. It depends on the person and or pills

Can stopping the birth control pill cause cramping?

As your body gets ready to ovulate again, you may notice menstrual-like cramping. Severe cramps are not normal after stopping the birth control pill. If your cramps are severe, or are accompanied by painful urination, painful sex, or abnormal vaginal discharge, see your health care provider for an exam.

Is it normal to get your period after stopping birth control and then not having it for a month and half?

On hormonal birth control your menstrual cycle is suppressed, as you no longer ovulate you no longer menstruate, instead women get a withdrawal bleed due to the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills or stopping the pills. If you come off hormonal birth control then it can take a few months for your menstrual cycles to return thus it can cause irregular or absent bleeding.

Does birth control cause birth deffects?

Although there is very little evidence to prove this some doctors believe that hormonal birth control can cause birth defects.

Can stopping the birth control patch cause your period to be brown or black?

Yes, you can expect an unusual period the first one or two times you bleed after stopping the patch. Your subsequent period will probably be more like those you had before you started the patch.

Does birth control cause drowsiness?

It is possible that birth control can cause drowsiness. If this is a persistent issue it is best to consult a health care provider.

Will taking birth control cause miscarriage?

No it will not.

Does paracetamol cause birth control?

Paracetamol does not prevent pregnancy, and it does not affect how well birth control works.