

Can strep B prevent you from getting pregnant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Can strep B prevent you from getting pregnant?
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You are pregnant and have a group b staph infection?

I think you mean to say you have a group B strep infection.

Should condoms be used if a pregnant woman has group b strep?

There is no need. Group B strep, if present, can cause problems for the pregnancy but it is a normal colonizing bacteria, not an infection that can be caught.

What people does strep b affect?

Group B streptococcus (group B strep) is a common bacterium often carried in the intestines or lower genital tract. Although group B strep is usually harmless in adults, it can be serious for the newborns.But if you're pregnant, a group B strep screening test in the third trimester and antibiotic treatment during labor can help protect your baby.

Who is most likely to get Group B infection?

Group B strep (GBS) most often affects pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and chronically ill adults.

How do you get strep b?

Strep-b is a bacteria that lives in the intestine, vagina, or rectol areas.

Do you have to treat vaginal strep b?


Can you get strep B from a sick mouse?

gross but yes

Does group B strep cause preterm labor?


Is sex unhealthy?

Mainly, there is always the risk of (a) catching a dangerous disease, including AIDS (especially if you have many sex partners), and (b) getting pregnant (or getting your girl pregnant).

Can you have hepatitis b if am pregnant?

If you are pregnant and have hepatitis B, it is important that you tell your doctor. As soon as your baby is born, your baby will need a hepatitis B treatment to keep him or her from getting the disease. Your doctor may recommend that you get a treatment in the meantime.

What problems does Group B strep present to newborns?

Newborns who are exposed to Group B strep can have inflammation of the brain, spinal cord, blood or lungs. In some cases, this serious complication can result in infant death.

What drink can prevent you from pregnancy?

A homeopathic, herbal method of terminating a pregnancy is drinking belladonna tea (deadly nightshade). However this method has not been thoroughly tested. Another option to reduce the risk of getting pregnant after unprotected sex is emergency contraception pills. Although the belladonna tea might work, getting an emergency contraceptive pill like Plan B within three days will reduce the risk of getting pregnant.