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yes, but only halfway i know this because it's how my foot was fixed it still slaps onto the ground whenever i run, but i can lift it to a 90 degree angle

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Q: Can surgery correct drop foot
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How is the foot drop problem cured?

Foot drop is first treated by finding the underlying problem that is causing the issue. Surgery and other medications may be used once the cause is found.

Will foot drop caused by a fragmented herniated disc go away?

I had a herniated disc in the L5 S1 region that burst and went well but I am left with drop foot...will I regain full use of my foot...if so, how long will it take?

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In some cases, correct eye drop usage is critical to a successful surgery outcome.

How long does foot drop last?

foot drop is caused by nerve damage & can be treated w/splints, & possibly surgery, but is a permanent otherwise.

What are the best exercises for foot drop?

Cycling is best exercise for foot drop.

What kind of surgery was it?

Hammertoe and Neuroma foot surgery

What is the greatest risk with endoscopic plantar fasciotomy?

The greatest risk with endoscopic plantar fasciotomy is that the arch will drop slightly as a result of this surgery, causing other foot problems.

Can foot drop be cured?

Foot drop is caused because there is disruption in signalling of the nerve to the muscle. The muscle that brings the foot up fails and so the foot drops The nerve can be temporarily injured = neuropraxia and therefore will recover. More extensive injuries to the nerve may or may not recover. A complete transection of the nerve is unlikely to recover without surgery So it depends on the cause and how extensive the injury to the nerve is

Why is my foot turning pruple after foot surgery?

I've no idea, but you should contact the person who did your surgery as soon as possible !

In order to treat foot drop are foot orthotics worn 24hrs a day?

Yes, the best foot drop orthodic to use 24hrs is the Soft Foot Drop Brace at There are also other solutions but if you have a foot drop problem you need some type of orthodic to help you walk.

What is a soft foot drop brace?

Foot drop brace is a ankle foot orthotic encompassing the ankle joint and all or part of the foot . AFOs are externally applied, and are intended to control position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities. Standard hard plastic foot drop braces are made of hard plastic, molded into shape. The posterior extension runs up the knee, while the leading edge is inserted into the shoe. It's not uncommon for patient's to complain about the a hard plastic brace being uncomfortable due to restricting normal walking and scratching or even bruising of the skin. The alternative is a soft foot drop brace. Soft Foot Drop Brace is made of soft materials such as neoprene, soft leather, cloth and some type of elastic strapping to maintain the position of the foot and to help prevent plantar flexion. A soft foot drop brace is comfortable alternative to maintain the position of the foot and to help prevent plantar flexion with no scrathes or bruises from a hard plastic. See a Soft Foot Drop Brace pic;

What did elie have an operation for in the book the night?

Elie had an operation on his foot for an infection in the book "Night." The surgery was performed without anesthesia, and the pain was excruciating for him.