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Don't let the word "salts" fool you. Adderall does have some considerable stimulant effects- so you should talk to one or more doctors/ psychiatrists about this to find out whether it can precipitate or exacerbate manic episodes or cause a crash ending in depression. Talk to the doc.

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Q: Can taking amphetamine salts cause problems with those that have a history of bipolar disorder?
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How is bipolar disorder dominant?

The causes of bipolar disorder have not yet been precisely determined; however, genetics seem to play a large role. 80-90% of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have a family history of either bipolar or major depression. However, this does NOT necessarily mean that someone with such a family history will inherit the genetic predisposition of the disease, or if they do, it will eventually develop into symptoms. The inheritance of bipolar disorder is not simple - it involves many genes, some of which are still being discovered and researched.

How does being bipolar affect an alcoholic?

With the exception of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder is the mental illness most commonly associated with alcoholism. Over 40% of individuals with Bipolar 1 have a history of alcohol abuse.Basically, Bipolar Disorder and alcoholism tend to go hand in hand. Being Bipolar can cause increased mood swings in alcoholics.

this person is worried and trying to know if being bipolar is hereditary.?

Their is a genetic component to bipolar and other mental disorders that does run in families. While a history of bipolar disorder is a red flag, it does not automatically follow that it will pass from one generation to the next. it is quite possible for a person to be bipolar without any family history of the disorder.

At what age is bipolar disorder first diagnosable?

At the age of five the bipolar disorder is diagnosable. But it is possible to diagonise at an early stage also by using some advanced equipments. A study conducted WHEN by Demitri Papolos, MD, and Janice Papolos indicates that more than 80% of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder come from families with a history of mood disorders and/or alcoholism on both sides of the family. And yet, even when a strong family history of this is present, professionals rarely consider early-onset bipolar disorder. Many children who actually have bipolar disorder have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Can bipolar disorder be controlled?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really depends on the person, their history with sexual relationships, and how much control that person has in other areas as well.

What are the causes of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by heavy mood swings that occur randomly. The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown but there seem to be some factors that help trigger bipolar episodes. Some of these causes include differences in neurotransmitters, biological parts, hormones or inherited traits. Also, stress and traumatic events may play a large role in developing bipolar disorder.

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

What is a mild version of bipolar disorder?

Cyclothymia is a disorder characterized by a history of hypomanic episodes (a mild to moderate level of mania) with periods of depression that do not meet the criteria for major depressive episodes. People with cyclothymia have a low-grade cycling of mood which is not as extreme as those with bipolar I or II.

Who is the first person to have a bipolar disorder?

That cannot be known as bipolar disorder has existed through all recorded human history and therefor must have occurred in prehistoric times. It almost certainly existed as long as modern humans have existed and may even have existed in some of our pre-human ancestors.

Are dual disorders possible such as narcissism and bipolar?

Yes. I have been to see a psychologist for help with my 69 year old mother-in-law, who, according to my husband, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the 80's. According to the doctor many of these personality disorders can overlap. Without seeing my MIL personally, but hearing about her total lack of boundaries and abusive history with her own children and what she has subjected me to, she believes she is suffering from borderline/narcissistic personality disorder.

How is bipolar 1 diagnosed?

There is a certain type of physician that treats psychological disorders such as: Bipolar disorder. For Instance a psychiatrist is intended to tend to such patients. Therefore, they are educated medically about this disorder in order to treat it.

How is bi-polar disorder diagnosed?

usually by observing symptoms and behavior during an active episode. It is very obvious in most cases. when there is no active episode you can't diagnose it at all except retrospectively from patient's subjective history.