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No. The Judicial Branch, headed by the US Supreme Court, is excluded from the constitutional amendment process. If the Court had the right to shape the Constitution and interpret its meaning, they would have too much power.

Article V of the Constitution provides for the document's amendment by a joint venture between Congress and the States.

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Q: Can the US Supreme Court vote on an amendment to the Constitution?
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Which amendment was NOT added to overturn a Supreme Court decision?

The Eighteenth Amendment, which established Prohibition, was not added to overturn a Supreme Court decision. It was added to the Constitution to ban the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages.

How old do you have to be to vote for a new justice for Supreme Court?

If your question refers to a state supreme court justice, and if your state provides for election to their supreme court rather than appointment, you can vote when you turn 18 (per the Twenty-Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution), provided you register properly before the election.If you are asking about US Supreme Court justices; they are nominated by the President and confirmed or rejected by Senate vote, not elected. The electorate (voting public) does not play a direct role in the appointment of justices to the US Supreme Court.

Has the US Supreme Court acted to restrict the political rights of the Constitution?

The supreme court has indeed acted to restrict the political rights of the constitution. In 1875 a group of women from Missouri appealed to the supreme court to challenge the Missouri law that denied them the right to vote in a case called Minor v. Happersett. The Supreme court ruled against these women based on the statement in our constitution "All men are created equal." It was not until congress passed the 19th amendment in 1920 that women received full political rights.

A proposed amendment violates the Constitution should the Supreme Court be able to block its ratification?

Of course not! The whole purpose of an amendment is to change the Constitution! If we don't like what it says, or how the Supreme Court is interpretting it, we, the people, have the right to change the document.

Is it possible to repeal an amendment to the Constitution.?

Absolutely not. The Supreme Court considers the Constitution the supreme law on which they base all their decisions. Only Congress and the States can change the Constitution. In order to repeal an amendment, Congress has to agree on a new amendment that specifically overrides another part of the Constitution. This Amendment would be added to the Constitution, but the text of the older rule would not be removed, despite being obsolete. One example of this is the 11th Amendment, which revoked the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to hear cases involving disputes between a state and the citizens of another state. Another example is when Congress passed the 21st Amendment to repeal the 18th Amendment (Prohibition). In order to Amend the Constitution, the measure must pass both the House and Senate by a 2/3 (supermajority) vote. It is then submitted to the states, which are given a "reasonable amount of time" (often 7 years) in which to review and decide whether to ratify the Amendment. As soon as 3/4 of the states vote to ratify, the new Amendment is adopted and becomes law. Unlike ordinary legislation, the Constitution is not subject to judicial review.

What statement best completes the diagram of the ways the different branches of government can limit each bother's power?

can purpose amendments to the constitution to overturn a supreme court decision

Which branch of government can change the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

The US Supreme Court's original jurisdiction is defined by Article III of the Constitution. Congress (Legislative Branch) can determine whether original jurisdiction is shared or exclusive, but can't strip the Court of its original jurisdiction or add to it. The Supreme Court's original jurisdiction may be changed by constitutional amendment, either initiated by a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress, followed by ratification of 75% of the State legislatures; or by the States if at least two-thirds petition for a Constitutional Convention to propose an amendment, and 75% of the states ratify that amendment.

What are the interpretations of the constitution for the Dred S cott case?

In its judgment, the Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution to mean that slavery was legal, and that no state could vote to become free soil.

What is the name for name for a ballot question that asks voters if the state constitution should be changed?

A change to a constitution is called an "amendment."A ballot vote on a prospective law is called a referendum.

Do people vote on the members of the the supreme court?

No, the Supreme Court is not elected by the people. Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President, and then the Senate votes to confirm them.

Women can vote?

Yes women in America have the right to vote. Women were granted the right to vote in 1919 and is the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution.

What is the significance of to the nineteeth amendment to the U.S constitution?

the right to vote