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Q: Can the brain and nervous system function outside of a body?
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Related questions

What is the function of the peripheral system and its function?

the main function of the peripheral is to connect the centeral nervous system with limbs and organs.

What is function of the brain in the nervous system?

The brain enables the body to coordinate bodily activitiesIt is the contorl unit or the communication network of the body & it also signals or stimulate from inside and outside of the body

What is the study of brains called?

Neuropsychology is the study of the brain's structure and function. Neurobiology or Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system, which includes the brain.

What is Term for the parts of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord?

The brain and spinal cord are referred to as the central nervous system; the rest of the nervous system is called the peripheral nervous system.

What organ system does the spinal cord belong to?

The function of the liver is digestive; it does the next level of processing of food, after it has been digested by the alimentary canal.

How does the nervous system subdivide by function?

While this is an extremely important function, the brain relies upon the peripheral nervous.

What are the two division of the nervous system?

The 2 divisions of the nervous system are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Both systems have the main function of allowing communication from the brain to limbs and organs and back to the brain.

What is the brains function in the nervous system?

The brain is the destination for the information that is gathered by the rest of the nervous system. The nervous system operates a body's essential functions.

Are ganglia part of the central nervous system?

Yes, the PNS contains ganglia, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves.

What is the function. of the central. nervous. system?

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. It controls behaviors in the body.

What are the different types of the nervous systems?

Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord)Autonomic Nervous System (nerves and ganglia)Peripheral Nervous System (outside the brain and spinal cord)

What is the major function of the circulatory nervous system?

In circulatory is the u a e i o In the nervous is the brain for magimbu