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Q: Can the child of a non custodial father living out of state get state provided health insurance coverage in their home state?
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If the joint custody court order says the father is to carry health insurance and he does not will that be used in helping to determine custody?

No, financial matters are separate from custodial issues. The matter of health insurance should be a part of the support order not a custodial one.

Who's insurance is primary and secondary when a Father and Step Mom both have coverage on the Father's Child?

It would be the biological parent, in this case, the father

Is whole life insurance provided by Allstate?

i trying to find out if my father who is deceased have a policy

If father is legally responsible to maintain health insurance for children but drops coverage what is mother's recourse?

Take him back to court.

Does a non-custodial mother have to pay child support to the father?

Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

Does the custodial mother has the rights to go with child on non-custodial father visitation that ordered by the court?

no, that's custodial interference

Does our father have any life insurance premiums due to him?

Is there a web site available for free for research to see if parents have life insurance coverage and if refunds are due to them of spousal death?

Does child support increase if the father gets married?

No. (The answer is the same whether the father is the obligor/non-custodial parent or obligee/custodial parent.)

If a Father has motorcycle insurance on his motorcycle and his 19 year old son is not listed on the policy and drives the motorcycle would there be coverage if the son has an accident?

No, there will not be any coverage for the son as he was not listed on the policy and not paid the premium.(The coverage is for accidental damages to the driver). Bhanu

Can a non-custodial father get custodial rights to a child in Montana?

With time and preparation. see links below

How come a father has to automatically pay for child support and a mother may not if the father is the custodial parent?

A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.

Who is considered the primary and who is the secondary medical insurance for child living with mother and step father but also has coverage through father?

Unless mentioned in the divorce decree, the birthday rule should apply.