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No a parsonage cannot be owned by the church and the pastor. If the church as an organization owns something it cannot be co owned by an individual. The pastor is an employee of the church not a co-owner of the church/organization.

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Q: Can the church and the pastor own a parsonage together?
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What is a presbyterian parsonage?

it is a place where the minster and his family live. it is owned by the church and all expenses are paid for by the church One of the benefits of clergy is that normally the church provides them housing. A parsonage is a house owned by the church, usually next door, that is for the pastor of the church and his family. Depending on the church, it may include all utilities and lawn maintenance. Some churches do not maintain a parsonage. Some of these churches offer a "housing allowance" in lieu of a parsonage, while others expect the pastor to pay for his own home out of his own salary. In situations where the church is too small to provide a salary adequate for this, the pastor will maintain a job like any other person.

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Most often this is not so. However, there is no rule against this occurring.

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There is no Presbyterian rule that prohibits the pastor from doing so. The local church may have such a rule, and the pastor may have his or her own reasons for not doing the marriage.

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In most mainstream denominations the congregation "owns" the church not the pastor. Some churches are created by one person who would "own" it, but in most cases the church is not owned by the pastor. I would be weary of a church where the pastor owns it. The when the denomination or congregation owns the church it provides checks and balances to avoid corruption and megalomania by a pastor or sole person running the church. If a person is a secondary worship leader and desires to be a senior pastor, then since most churches seeking a pastor have a "pulpit committee" that would help vet the candidates you would need to seek out churches that need a pastor and talk to the committee that is charges with finding the pastor. Each church has it's own set of requirements. My husband got out of seminary and got a church right away as a senior pastor and we have been at this one and only church for 22 years. Every congregation is unique and you will just have to contact each one like any other job you seek to have with resumes, recommendations etc.

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Pastor Sonya who own her on church down in Salisbury nc

What is a lay pastor?

A lay pastor may mean something different depending on the denomination. lay pastor's must learn his church's doctrine .lay pastors visit in hospitals and jails comforting all people not just people of his own church, working hand in hand with the pastor. duties include:Leading bible studys,helping in church ministry's and praying with people.

Can an interim pastor in the black baptist church be a candidate for pastor?

The unique characteristic of most black baptist churches is that each functions as their own independent body and does not have to answer to any higher authority except God. Therefore, an interim pastor can be a candidate for pastor if that's what the local church decides. It's totally their choice.

How does someone become a Pastor?

Each denomination and sect within the denomination may and probably do have their own standards to achieve before becoming a Pastor. Suggest you ask your local Church.

Does a church need to pay workman's comp on a pastor?

My father is a pastor and has never received any type of pay or benefits. It is essentially like owning your own business. As the owner of a store you would not expect the workers to pay comp.same for church. Some churches will pay the pastor but its all up to the individual church. I'd imagine those that pay their pastor might voluntarily offer comp but there is no law requiring it. Hope that helps

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There are over 28,000 congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) worldwide. Each one of these congregations has it's own 'pastor' (they use the term Bishop rather than Pastor). You can contact the bishop of an individual congregation by using the "Related Link" below. The Church as a whole is lead by a prophet/president (currently Thomas S. Monson) from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.