

Can the constitution be change

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, the Constitution can be changed by the amendment process. In any case, yes, constitutions can be changed, especially through amendments, though the process is often slow. It is a slow process which is the way the Framers intended.
Only by adding a new amendment to the Constitution. Nothing can ever be taken out. The only time an amendment has changed an older amendment is in the case of Prohibition.

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14y ago

Yes, a National Constitution may be amended; repealed or even supersceded by a new Constitution following apropriate legal proceedures.

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two-thirds of the House of Representatives and Senate must vote to change the constitution. then the amendment must be revised by the judicial branch to make sure that the amendment is constitutional

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14 amendment

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The U. S. Constitution is changed by amendments.

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An amendment is a formal way to change the constitution.