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Just as easily as God can.

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Q: Can the devil bless you
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Where can I find in the scripture where the devil can bless you?

None exist.

Why do people say bless you when someone sneeze?

people used to think that if you sneezed you sneezed out your soul and they say bless you so the devil wont get it.

Where did bless you come from when a person sneezes?

It was once believed that the violence of a sneeze, momentarily displaced your soul from your body. During that moment, people thought the devil could step in, and take you over. By saying "bless you" someone else could keep the devil from inhabiting you.

Why say god bless you when sneez?

Sneezing was thought to be an early symptom of the plague, 'God Bless You' was a sort of shield against evil. Sneezing was also though to be a way of expelling the Devil from your body, so 'God Bless You' was a natural response

Zimbabwe received its independence from?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. God bless the Queen and the devil take Mugabe.

Can you be blessed by the devil?

No. The devil only wants to destroy, he doesn't want to bless anybody. Is against his evil natur. Sometimes he give certain gifts that seems to be good and supernatural, but soon they turn against a men, which have one. Devil hates all human being.

Why do you say 'bless you' when you sneeze?

Legend tells that when you sneeze, the soul leaves the body with your breath. At that point, it is available for possession by an evil spirit. Saying "Bless you" prevents the evil spirit from entering the body when you catch your breath.Apparently, when you sneeze, your soul escapes. So if someone says bless you, the devil can't catch it.

Is trouble is a friend by lenka about the devil or in relation to the devil?

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it" - Isaiah 8:12, If you want to believe in devil. At least believe in God who gives you your hope. God bless you :)

Can you be safe and not have the holy ghost?

no because the devil will attack you in the most ways but when you have the Holy Ghost it' a force filled around you and protects you from the devil if you more info read :acts1:8acts8:15God Bless and I pray this helps you reccive the pressious gift of the holy

Are bad words from the devil?

yes they are, repent and ask the father to forgive you and ask him daily to help you watch your words. God Bless Ephesians 4:29 Peter 3:10

Can we say go bless you or bless you?

Better to say Bless You

What nicknames does Anthony Bless go by?

Anthony Bless goes by Bless.