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Q: Can the firing of one neuron produce temporal summation?
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Stimulation of a postsynaptic neuron by many terminals at the same time?

Spatial summation

EPSPs produced by many different presynaptic fibers converging on a single postsynaptic neuron causing summation on the postsynaptic dendrites and cell body best describes?

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A neuron reaches its trigger point when?

Action potential is nerve impulse triggered when a neuron reaches its threshold, or trigger point for firing. Threshold trigger point for a neuron's firing about negative 50 millivolts.

What is mean by the all or none response of a neuron?

The simplest sense, the all-or-none principle of neuronal firing means that a neuron will either fire or it won't, there is no "half" firing. When a neuron receives excitatory input.

When a neuron fires is there such thing as partial firing?


What is the difference between the way excitatory and inhibitory transmitters work?

As a rule more than one presynaptic action potential is needed to fire the postsynaptic neuron or muscle so that the trigger to initiate an action potential are either many subthreshold local potentials from different sources or from the same neuron received within a short period of time. The first case is called spatial summation and the second case is called temporal summation. Whether a postsynaptic potential (another term for a local potential) is excitatory or inhibitory depends on what ion channels are affected by the transmitter released from the presynaptic vesicles.

What does the adrenergic neuron produce?


The state of the neuron when not firing a neural impulse is known as?

Resting potential

What do you call the state of a neuron when it is firing a neural impulse?

Resting potential.

What do you call the state of a neuron when it is not firing a neural impulse?

Resting potential.

What stops muscle stimulation when the motor neuron ceases firing?

Acetylcholinesterase is the enzyme that stops muscle stimulation when the motor neuron ceases firing. This enzyme enables acetyl and choline to release their binding sites.

What neurotransmitter does the adrenergic neuron produce?
