

Can the mother be the only one on birth certificate?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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Sure you can, if you miraculously gave brith to the kid without having sex with a man (or a sperm donation or somthing like that). Is your name Mary???

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Q: Can the mother be the only one on birth certificate?
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Can biological mother add step dad to birth certificate without telling biological farther?

The birth certificate can only have one father and only the biological father is allowed to be on it. And only he can sign it. A step parent have no legal right to the child.

If one of the parent is not in the birth certificate can mother take child out of the state?

Fathers with parental rights are not always listed on the birth certificate.

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A parent is the only one who can obtain a birth certificate. Your husband will have to do this.

If one of the parent is not in the birth certificate can mother take child out of the country?

Ravens Rule

Can an unwed father sign a birth certificate if the mother was married when the child is born?

Yes, if he is the one who fathered the child. Father's do not typically sign the birth certificate though, although he can be named on it.

Does the alleged father have to go on the birth certificate?

No, he is the only one who can sign it and if he chooses not to that is it.

Which name is a persons legal name birth certificate or social security my husband has only first and last name on birth certificate but his moms maiden name is on social security card as his middle?

The one on the birth certificate is the legal name.

Who gets custody of a child when mother hangs herself and the father is on birth certificate?

Having one's signature on the birth certificate is a good first step, but it will not automatically give custody to that man. The court will look at all of the circumstances of the case.

Who signs the birth certificate if the father does not?

When I had my daughter, her father was not able to be there at the time, so I was the only one to sign the birth certifiate as a parent. The father's name can be added by the father at a later date if that is what either of you wants to do. No one but the biological parents can sign a birth certificate.

Can you put fathers name on birth certificate with out him signing?

UK AnswerOnly if the parents are married. US AnswerNo signature by a second party is considered legitimate. For those who are infirm or illiterate, an "X" in the person's hand (foot or mouth) must be attested by one or more witnesses.

Is a certification of live birth the same thing as a birth certificate in illinois?

No. A Certification of Live Birth is a short form Birth Certificate. Depending on the state it may say different things but one from Hawaii will say the name, date of birth, hour of birth, sex, city, town or location of birth, island of birth, county of birth, mother's maiden name, mother's race, father's name, father's race, date accepted by registrar, a certificate number and seal. The seal may be different depending on the year it was printed. A Birth Certificate, or Certificate of life Birth has many more things on it. Which includes signatures, doctor(s), witnesses, and the SSN. Some employers may or may not accept a short from Birth Certificate, some may not even ask for one, depends how lucky you are ;-)

Do you need an original birth certificate or can it be a copy?

It depends on the use of the birth certificate... more details please.