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Q: Can the parent be forced to get a full time job to pay child support?
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If you are granted full custody of a child does the noncustodial parent still pay child support in NJ?


Can child support continue if she has finished school and works full time but lives with parent?

Child support is paid as long as the child is a minor, get emancipated or when the child support agreement says so.

If you sue for full custody of a child does the noncustodial parent still pay child support in New York?

Yes, being granted full custody does not relieve the other parent of their financial obligations to the child(ren).

Does a non custodial parent still have to pay child support back payments to the custodial parent after the children have their own families?

Yes, back child support is paid until paid in full, regardless the age of the children. There is NO statute of limitation when it comes to child support.

Would a father have to pay the same amount of child support if 1 child was full with him and the other 50 50?

If you have full custody of one child it's the other parent that should pay you child support for that child. You need to go back to court to correct this.

If a 21 year old full time student lives on their own is the custodial parent entitled to child support?

If the support order included a provision continuing support while the child was enrolled in college it does not matter where the child is living, as the support is to reimburse the custodial parent for the non custodial parents share of the child's expenses. If the child is attending school the custodial parent is likely still paying expenses for that child regardless of where they are living

Child support orders when paying parent is in school?

You can be ordered to get a full time job. see links

Does a father have to pay if the mother has full custody?

Yes, of course. That is the purpose of paying child support: to help the custodial parent pay the costs associated with raising the child. Both parents are responsible for supporting a child and the non-custodial parent must support the child financially.

When child lives full time with non custodial parent does that mean that custodial parent owes child support?

For the state of Tennessee, yes because it depends upon the wages and amount of days spent with each parent.

Do you still have to pay child support in Wisconsin if you are a full-time student?

Yes, the status of the obligated parent is irrelevant.

How does a state calculate how much child support an absentee parent must pay?

Child support payments are calculated depending on the non custodial parent's income. If the non custodial parent is only working part time, they might be required by a judge to seek a full time job.