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I believe they can force you, until you are 18. What are you afraid of? If you're not taking any drugs, the tests will prove that. If you are, your parent most likely wants to help you stop doin drugs.

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Q: Can the parent of a 16 year old living in NY force her to be tested for drug use?
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Will your parents be contacted if you are drug tested as a minor?

Yes, a parent will be contacted if you are tested for drugs as a minor. They will also be informed for the results. Your parents can also refuse for you to be drug tested.

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I Don't Think So. But If You Want A Job You Have To Get Drug Tested.

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If there is evidence to necessitate it, but if it is simply based on an allegation by one parent, both should be tested.

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No, you cannot be drug tested for non nicotine vapor smoking.

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Yes, you will most likely be drug tested after a civil service test. You will be drug tested randomly after passing the test.

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Depending on the offense, diversion programs usually include drug tests, in addition to alcohol breathalyzers. In Nebraska, the participant is randomly drug tested.

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Prior to initial employment, yes, teachers get drug tested. They also drug test coaches and ESP's I believe

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Hi, Darvocet will show up on most drug tests. Darvocet specifically is not usually tested for, but its class of drugs is.

When is the first drug test to enter into the air force?

Once in reception, at Basic, you will be tested again, and then periodically throughout your career.