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Q: Can the patch stop your breast milk from flowing?
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What to do to clean breast milk from meth?

Stop taking meth! Obviously you can't breast feed when taking drugs.

How to get a 2 year old off breastfeeding?

Stop breastfeeding them. Give the child a sippy cup with breast milk in it and slowly wheen them off it onto milk. If this does not work try a little naturally sweet milk to mimic the breast milk.

What to do about dogs breasts with milk after the pups were killed?

You can take you dog to the vet who will give it an injection that will stop the breast milk from being produced.

As long as you breast feed will you produce milk?

Not long; the body will stop producing milk (lactating) if the breasts are not being used to nurse or pump milk.

How long does speed stay in breast milk?

If you were that worried about speed being in your breast milk, you wouldn't have f*cking put it there. Edit from sinistre: If you really take speed and give your child the breast, you have a serious problem, not to mention the baby. STOP TAKING SPEED!

Does a girls breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

Does a girl's breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

What happens to breast milk when baby stop feeding?

if you slowly reduce the feeding then your milk will just dry up. check for more info

Stop breast feeding one year ago but milk is still there?

I still had a little milk two and a half years later. it eventually went away

How can one avoid breast feeding pumping?

You can stop breast feeding pumping by weaning gradually, if possible. Begin replacing one or two feedings a day, and eventually completely stopping. This will help your body to stop producing milk.

Can you start breastfeeding after four months?

If you continue to offer a newborn the breast from the time of birth and do not supplement with formula you will have an adequate supply of breast milk until you stop offering the breast. Breast milk is supplied based on demand. If the newborn/child suckles for it, your breasts will continue to produce milk indefinitely.

I stopped breast feeding when my son was 14 months now he's 36 months and still have some milk?

Now that he is 36 months old , the milk should stop soon.